Divorce and Family Services

Prenuptial Agreements

In the modern age people get married later in life than they did in the past. By the time they are walking down the aisle most people have already inherited or accumulated cherished and valuable assets.

A Prenuptial Agreement (commonly known as a prenup) does not detract from the romance or sanctity of a marriage, but it does provide long term peace of mind to the happy couple and their families.

A prenuptial agreement is a sensible measure to ring fence and protect assets which you own prior to marriage.

The benefits of making a Prenuptial Agreement are, it can:

The Prenuptial Agreement should be made any time after the engagement but not later than 28 days before the legal marriage.  

The Prenuptial Agreement will contain details of the parties’ respective assets and their agreement who will have a particular asset, property, chattel or liability in the event of marriage breakdown and divorce.  Although Prenuptial Agreements were non-binding, the Courts will now give effect to Prenuptial Agreements which have been freely entered into without duress or undue influence.

A Prenuptial Agreement can also be used by couples who are entering into a Civil Partnership.

The cost of a Prenuptial Agreement will usually between £1,200 and £2,500 plus VAT, depending upon the amount of time spent on the case.  For large and complex cases this could be higher, although we will give you either a fixed fee quote or an upper ceiling limit. In any event you will receive good value for money as it provides a benefit for life.  It is a clear case of “prevention is better than the cure.” 

We are just an email, or a telephone call away;


020 7935 8399